In February we will celebrate 35 years since a group of neighbors signed their names to a piece of paper that recognized them as the charter members of a new church in the neighborhood — Esperanza Lutheran Church. Over 35 …
In February we will celebrate 35 years since a group of neighbors signed their names to a piece of paper that recognized them as the charter members of a new church in the neighborhood — Esperanza Lutheran Church. Over 35 …
Prayer of the Day Sovereign God, you turn your greatness into goodness for all the peoples on earth. Shape us into willing servants of your kingdom, and make us desire always and only your will, through Jesus Christ, our Savior …
“For we are what God has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” (Ephesians 2:10) Over the past few weeks, national and international crises have taken center stage …
Prayer of the Day Almighty and ever-living God, increase in us your gift of faith, that, forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to what lies ahead, we may follow the way of your commandments and receive the crown of …
Over the course of a given week, it seems there are a lot of things that happen that can give us additional anxiety. Beyond the day-to-day stresses, there are also the big picture stresses that happen in our nation and …
Prayer of the Day Generous God, your Son gave his life that we might come to peace with you. Give us a share of your Spirit, and in all we do empower us to bear the name of Jesus Christ, …
If you like to keep track of our church calendar to gain a sense of what season we’re in, you may have noticed we are in a time often called the “Season after Pentecost.” If you’ve been really paying attention, …
Prayer of the Day O God, our teacher and guide, you draw us to yourself and welcome us as beloved children. Help us to lay aside all envy and selfish ambition, that we may walk in your ways of wisdom …
In our sometimes sanitized and often isolated world, it’s easy to forget many of us aren’t far removed from much more gritty ways of living life. Some of us are only a generation removed from wandering farmlands – wrestling animals …
Prayer of the Day O God, through suffering and rejection you bring forth our salvation, and by the glory of the cross you transform our lives. Grant that for the sake of the gospel we may turn from the lure …
This might seem hard to believe, but there are times in life when I get a little frustrated. Sometimes these frustrations have to deal with random acts of chaos by small children, sometimes it’s the traffic, sometimes it’s the news, …
Prayer of the Day Gracious God, through the ages you transform sickness into health and death into life. Open us to the power of your presence and make us a people ready to proclaim your promises to the whole world, …