Prayer of the Day O God, powerful and compassionate, you shepherd your people, faithfully feeding and protecting us. Heal each of us, and make us a whole people, that we may embody the justice and peace of your Son, Jesus …
Prayer of the Day O God, powerful and compassionate, you shepherd your people, faithfully feeding and protecting us. Heal each of us, and make us a whole people, that we may embody the justice and peace of your Son, Jesus …
Let’s jump right into fall! Esperanza youth will jump into a new year of learning and fun! It all begins in August! Sunday, Aug. 4: Blessing of the Backpacks, teachers, and students. Join us at 9 a.m., and don’t forget …
During our June bottled water drive, Esperanza donated 8,560 bottled waters for the Keys to Change Campus, located at West Madison Street and 12th Avenue in downtown Phoenix. The Keys to Change Campus was formerly the Human Services Campus, Inc. …
Prayer of the Day O God, from you come all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works. Give to us, your servants, that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be set to obey your …
In the gospel of John (Chapter 8:31-36), Jesus speaks of the freedom that comes from continuing in his word. As we approach the Fourth of July this year, with questions of freedom on our hearts due to recent news in our …
Through June, Esperanza had donated 895 pounds of food to the Kyrene Family Resource Center. Thank you for continuing to support this important outreach ministry! Currently, the center needs granola bars, microwaveable macaroni and cheese, dry beans and rice, spaghetti …
Prayer of the Day God of the covenant, in our baptism you call us to proclaim the coming of your kingdom. Give us the courage you gave the apostles, that we may faithfully witness to your love and peace in …
As I’ve gotten to know Esperanza a bit, I’ve noticed that this is a community of faith that has much to offer our broader community and world. I’ve been blessed to spend some time walking alongside the membership as they …
You love a parade, right? Then join our church as we celebrate the Fourth of July at the annual Children’s Bicycle Parade sponsored by the Ahwatukee Chamber of Commerce. This year’s parade will begin at 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, July …
Calling all Esperanza chefs, volunteers, those able to assemble or serve sandwiches, and those wishing to donate non-perishables to the cause! We will again be providing sack lunches to be served at Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix on Wednesday, …
Prayer of the Day Almighty and merciful God, we implore you to hear the prayers of your people. Be our strong defense against all harm and danger, that we may live and grow in faith and hope, through Jesus Christ, …
This past weekend, the Grand Canyon Synod held its annual assembly at Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa. While I wasn’t able to attend the entire assembly — my thanks to Brad, Tami, and Deacon Connie for representing Esperanza …