
How Might You Shine Jesus’ Light at Esperanza by Serving?

How do you wish to serve? How might you shine Jesus’ light at Esperanza and in the larger community?

The stewardship team encourages you to complete a Time & Talent survey. The survey gives you the opportunity to indicate interest in various Esperanza ministries — so that you can get involved if you would like, or simply learn more about them.

The stewardship team has committed to making sure connections are made between those who indicate interest in particular ministries and the leaders of those ministries, so we won’t leave you hanging! 😉 When you indicate interest in a ministry, that does not commit you to that ministry, and even if you begin serving in a particular role, you are not destined to serve in that role forever. If you feel God calling you to serve in a different way in a year, you can graciously let go of that ministry and let someone else pick it up. Sometimes, there is no one else to pick up a ministry — which may mean Esperanza is no longer called to serve in that way.

You may fill out the Time & Talent survey in worship or after worship or you may go to survey here: 

    After sending the form, please visit the Giving page