As we celebrate 35th Years with Hope and The Future with Hope (Sunday, February 23rd, 2025), the Anniversary Team would like to invite you to share a memory as well as your hopes and dreams for Esperanza’s future. This video message opportunity is intended for those who:
1.) Cannot make the trip to Arizona (for example former Pastors, Charter members and long-time former members of Esperanza)
2.) Cannot make it to the in-person celebration and worship service
We encourage all who can make the trip to join us in-person to celebrate 35 Years with Hope and The Future with Hope!
If you would like to share a memory and your hopes and dreams for Esperanza’s future please do so by emailing a video message (preferably no more than 2 minutes in length) to Taite Paradise at [email protected]. If you have questions please call Taite any time after 3pm Arizona time at 602-510-1103. Thank you!