Over 50 people have already signed up! The Esperanza Anniversary Team and Jackson Winslow (Eagle Scout Candidate) are diligently working on the planning of the Esperanza 35th Anniversary Worship Service & Lunch celebration. Please sign up today by visiting our Anniversary Sign-Up Page. Details are listed on the website page and more details will be forthcoming at Sunday Services, the weekly newsletter and weekly bulletin.
As of 1/3/25 over 50 celebrants are signed up! Don’t miss this wonderful celebration!
If you are interested in getting involved in the set-up or clean-up please contact Joni at the church office.
If you are interested in assisting with childrens’ activities contact Deacon Connie or Lynn Hockenberger.
If you are interested in assisting with food and beverage contact Joni Thorpe oir Peggy Wagner.
If you are interested in providing photos or any artifacts contact Tom Vega.
Our next planning meeting is Thursday, January 6th at 7pm in the fellowship hall or choir room. Contact Michael Paradise if you are interested in joining the planning team ([email protected]). Thank you!
Please sign-up TODAY for our Sunday, February 23rd Celebration!