Esperanza Exceeds 2024 Goal for Food Donation to KFRC

During 2024, Esperanza donated 1,446 pounds of food to the Kyrene Family Resource Center — a 20.5% increase over 2023. Our food donation goal for 2024 was 1,250 pounds.

Esperanza is helping with food needs on multiple fronts at the center. Currently, the Center needs the following for families: peanut butter, gallon freezer bags, and spaghetti pasta and sauce.

Some children in the Kyrene School District are coming to class on Monday mornings hungry, struggling to focus on learning. The center is responding to the need by packing a Weekend Food Bag and providing these to children on Fridays.

Food items can include any of the following:

  • Microwavable mac and cheese
  • Microwavable Chef Boyardee
  • Microwavable ramen noodles
  • Microwavable cup of soup
  • Breakfast cereal
  • Granola bars
  • Applesauce or fruit cup

The center prefers these be a single serving, and a suggestion would be to purchase single-serving containers in bulk at Costco.

The center will pack the food in bags. Please place donations in the shopping cart in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your generosity! For questions, please contact Larry Hanson at [email protected].