Can You Help? KFRC Needs School Supplies for 2023-24

The Kyrene Family Resource Center has asked for our assistance in donating school supplies for the 2023-24 academic year to students and families in need.

The center needs new backpacks (for middle school students), paper, pencils, tabs/dividers for notebooks, pocket folders, crayons, markers, spiral notebooks, glue sticks and Elmer’s glue, scissors, colored pencils, loose leaf paper, and pens (blue, black, and red).

Esperanza will collect supplies through the end of May and deliver them to the center in early June.

Although the center welcomes a variety of non-perishable foods, the greatest needs are for granola bars, squeezable applesauce, and goldfish crackers (individually packaged).

Please place donations in the shopping cart/box in the Fellowship Hall.

For questions, contact Peggy or Larry Hanson at [email protected].